
What is a Curriculum and how is Mathematics involved?

 A curriculum may be simply defined a the list of topics that must be understood by the student at the end of the course, and what level to achieve a particular grade or standard.

The curriculum for Ireland’s second level schools is determined by the Minister for Education and Science who is advised by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). The curriculum sets out not only what is to be taught, but how, and how learning in the particular subject area is to be assessed.
The Mathematics syllabus, throughout second level develops mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing education, life and work. Through their study of mathematics, students develop a flexible, disciplined way of thinking which enables them to solve problems in mathematical and real world contexts.


What is Project Maths?

In recent years, Project Maths, was developed to empower students to develop essential problem-solving skills for higher education and the workplace by engaging teenagers with mathematics set in interesting and real-world contexts.  The video below, outlines the ambitions of Project Maths.


How is Project Maths structured?

Project Maths has five Strands: Statistics and Probability, Geometry and Trigonometry, Number, Algebra and Functions. Each strand is not to be treated in isolation, various connections across strands are to be made. For example, an understanding of Algebra is essential to fully appreciate Trigonometry. For a detailed outline of the mathematics curriculum in Ireland, click here.